Zero-G Product Overview

Discover Limitless Liquid Restaking

Zero-G Finance is a tier-one liquid restaking platform that bridges the gap between users and EigenLayer.

The world's best operators trust us.

Trusted by leading staking operators from around the globe.

Zero-G Product Overview

Liquid restaking the way it should be.

Zero-G offers a seamless gateway into EigenLayer through liquid restaking services across a variety of different L2s.


Truly a community owned protocol.

Built from the ground up as a community owned LRT, Zero-G prides itself on being the most user-centric liquid restaking protocol on the market with generous token allocations to reward user contributions.


Built to be permissionless.

Through the use of CCTP (cross-chain transfer protocol) technology, Zero-G's backend delegates a wide variety of functions to smart contracts minimizing the need for team input in order to effectively run the protocol at scale.


Securing the right AVSs.

In the near future, $ZEROG holders will be able to use their tokens for governance purposes in order to delegate AVS strategy for Zero-G Finance.

Zero-G Product Overview

Experience the best of what restaking has to offer.

Community Owned LRT

$ZEROG offers the most generous community-focused token model where users benefit the most for using the protocol as reflected in our tokenomics.

Anti-Slashing Procedures

Working with only the best of node operators, Zero-G develops deep relationships with our node operator partners and ensures that the most optimal AVS strategies are put in place to maximize yield for the Zero-G end user.

Low Fee

Support the growth and sustainability of L2/L3 networks by minimizing the outflow of funds to Mainnet, aligning with Ethereum's vision for a decentralized future.

Zero-G Points

Individuals active in the Zero-G ecosystem will be rewarded with Zero-G Points on top of EigenLayer points, recognizing their contributions towards the protocols' achievements.

One-click Restaking

Enabling users to restake with a single click from a user interface, directly from the chain of their choice.

Zero-G Product Overview

Frequently asked questions

For detailed information, please read our documentation.

What is the fee structure like?
What is the difference between staking and restaking?
What is EigenLayer?
What are EigenLayer and Zero-G points?